There can be different reasons why we don’t feel safe at times, this could be that we feel at risk of harm from someone else, from ourselves or feel that we might hurt others.

If you feel that you are at risk of harm from someone else you need to tell an adult about this as soon as possible. They will then be able to talk this through with you and support in keeping you safe. It might also be helpful to look at the I’m feeling bullied page or I’m struggling with relationships page on our website. You can also talk to your parents, a teacher, family member, other professional or call NSPCC on 0808 800 5000.

If you are having worrying thoughts about harm to other people, it might be helpful to look at our I’m feeling worried page, as these could be intrusive or unwanted worry thoughts.

Suicidal thoughts can range from thinking about ending your life, or feeling that people would be better off without you, to thinking about methods of suicide, or making clear plans to end your life. If you are feeling suicidal, you might be scared or confused by these feelings, but you are not alone. If you are really struggling please seek help via our urgent help section or if you feel you are at immediate risk then call 999. You can also call Samaritan’s on 116 123.

  • Young Minds - Suicidal Feelings is the UK's leading charity committed to improving the emotional well-being and mental health of children and young people.
  • Childline - Coping with Suicidal Thoughts and Feelings is a counselling service for children and young people up to their 19th birthday in the UK provided by the NSPCC
  • Rethink Mental Illness - Suicidal Thoughts offers help & support for people affected by mental illness.
  • Samaritans is a registered charity aimed at providing emotional support to anyone in emotional distress or struggling to cope.
  • Support Line offers confidential emotional telephone support in the UK for men, women, children and young adults.
  • Papyrus is the UK Charity for the prevention of young suicide.
  • Women's Aid offer support and information to women and children who have experienced domestic violence.
  • MindMate​ - Staying Safe helps young people understand the way they are feeling and find the right advice and support.
  • NSPCC is a charity campaigning and working in child protection in the United Kingdom.
  • Heads Above The Waves​ is a not-for-profit charity that supports young people with depression and self-harm.
  • Kooth is an online counselling and emotional well-being platform for children and young people, accessible through mobile, tablet and desktop and free at the point of use.

  • My 3​ lets you help yourself and reach out to others if you are having thoughts of suicide.
  • Cove allows you to create music to reflect emotions like joy, sadness and anger to help express how you feel.
  • MeeTwo is a free fully moderated app for young people, which provides peer support, expert help, inbuilt educational and creative resources.
  • Check In helps take the fear out of having a conversation with a friend who might be struggling.